Tales from my yoot

Short, tall, true, and semi true tales about a young boy growing up in upstate New York.

The Best Pizza

The only pizza place in town was a little take out joint called Gloria’s Pizza. The pizza that was produced here was to be the standard by which all other pizzas would be judged. It was the benchmark, baseline, and foundation against which all future pizza makers would be compared. My memory is not perfect,

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I Yam Wut I Yam

Every school day morning at 6:30 AM sharp, a cornucopia of video eye candy flashed across our little black and white television.  For about 30 minutes we got to watch a couple of Popeyes and a Three Stooges episode or two, whilst we sucked down some dipper eggs, toast, bacon, and juice from a plate

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Lucky Dog

Can a dog be mentally ill? I don’t know, but I can say that there was a dog in our neighborhood that would have made a great clinical study. The dog belonged to the Locatelli family and thus was given the unfortunate name of “Locky”. I will herein attempt to walk through a study of

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