I Yam Wut I Yam

Every school day morning at 6:30 AM sharp, a cornucopia of video eye candy flashed across our little black and white television.  For about 30 minutes we got to watch a couple of Popeyes and a Three Stooges episode or two, whilst we sucked down some dipper eggs, toast, bacon, and juice from a plate […]

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Lucky Dog

Can a dog be mentally ill? I don’t know, but I can say that there was a dog in our neighborhood that would have made a great clinical study. The dog belonged to the Locatelli family and thus was given the unfortunate name of “Locky”. I will herein attempt to walk through a study of

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I am not, nor have I ever been a believer in the Bigfoot mythology. Now, I have heard the rumors, seen the videos, read the articles, watched the reality shows, and heard the long winded explanations of the vast mountain of evidence for the existence of a large furry ape like creature that lives either

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Kroner’s Vy-ruse

I must depart from my normal discourse regarding growing up Hammond-style, and instead focus on something that everyone else seems to be focused on. You know, when one little birdy starts to chirping, all of the rest of the birds gotta join in. Have you ever been in a nursery? It can be dead quiet,

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