The Stew Man

There was this kid in my neighborhood named Frankie Stewart. He lived in a big old house with his extended family. Now when I say extended, I mean really really extended. There was his short Italian grandmother, his aunt, mother, father, older sister, and two younger sisters. I think that his granny did babysit for

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On Forgiveness

How far is the east from the west? However far that is, at least a few kilometers, is the distance that God is supposed to be able to separate us from our mistakes, sins, faux paux, and boo boos. We as humans have a great deal of trouble doing that when it comes to other people. I’m

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The Edge of Edginess

My thoughts today turn to adventuring. I have not, nor have I ever been an adventurer. I have not gone digging for gold, hunting bears in Alaska, racing motorcycles, or any other of the multitude of death defying feats that have been performed by fellers like Evel Kneivel, Jack Kerouac, and Ernest Hemmingway. But at

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Gramma’s Cookies

Roxana wasn’t the most “Grandmotherly” in the world. Probably the result of her strict Methodist upbringing and her marriage to the quietest man that ever lived. However, she did make the best cookies in the world. My favorite cookie was a chocolate oatmeal no bake cookie. These cookies consisted of cocoa, sugar, oatmeal, and some

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