
I Smell a Rat

I grew up in a region that was known as the leather and glove capital of the world. It is often said that no one wants to know how the sausage is made. Well, I can assure you that no one wants to know how leather is made. Thankfully, I never worked in the leather

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Why Do You Drink?

Sometimes we need to be saved from the emotional turmoil that is caused by the disease called “life”. Or perhaps that is what we have always done and will always do. We fill our days with activities that take our minds off the fact that we are gradually decaying blobs of biological material. Work, hobbies,

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The Year in Review

I feel compelled to review my year. After seeing all of the other sad “This Year in Review” commentary, I feel that they all fall short in many ways. The most specific failure in these reviews is that there is no mention of me, hence my need to bring my narcissistic viewpoint into focus for

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I Got Nothin'

I am as miserable an old coot as the next miserable old coot, but I gotta wonder … does it really get anyone anywhere? We all try to manipulate our surroundings and to control the world wherein we live. But in all truth, is there any benefit? There are those of us, and I am

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2014 – A Resolution

Often I find my brain chewing on a single thought – “What’s next?”. Deep thinking or meditating is something I occasionally engage in, but in all truth, I am more of a “doer” than a person that “think’s about doing”. In the past this has often resulted in disaster, as the mouth speaks before the

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