Why don’t you just tell me the name of the movie you have selected?

Way back in the before times, when engineering school was foremost in my mind, I took a couple of courses in control systems engineering. Control systems engineering studies the modeling of dynamic systems and the design of controllers that will make such systems behave in some predefined way. It makes use of complex mathematical equations […]

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Paste Eaters

Philosophical thought for the day – Once you are caught eating paste, you are branded a “paste eater” for the rest of your school years.  For the “word curious” – A “paste eater” in the original literal sense is a small schoolchild (usually male) who develops a fondness for the taste of the white paste traditionally

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I Yam Outraged

I am outraged, you are outraged, the whole damn world is outraged. The adage that “old age is an excellent time for outrage” appears to ring painfully true. I do not remember ever being outraged as a young person. The older I get, the more easily I become outraged by any person, place, action, or

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Poverty and Greed

What can I say about poverty? It seems to me that we all think we are poor to some extent. A wise old drunkard once told me that feeling rich is all about desiring less and not about wanting more. Desiring more and then obtaining the object of your desire makes you feel rich, for

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The Average American

Coffee, that most wondrous and essential of drinks. The same bean is delivered to eager Americans in so many forms. Latte, espresso, cappuccino, Americano, macchiato, and a plain old cup o joe are just a few. I love coffee! It is paradoxically relaxing and loaded with a stimulant called caffeine. Just the word “coffee” makes

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Merry Christmas

Christmas is the only holiday that has an impact on everyone, regardless of race, creed, sex, religion, political affiliation, or dietary predisposition. You might see this as an imbecilic statement, thinking, erroneously, that it is a Christian holiday and only affects adherents to this most Americanized of religions. But you my friend would be wrong.

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